First off, the hospital, Sharp Memorial in San Diego is like going to the spa. They actually have an area called the SPA (Surgical Procedure Area). The staff are so nice, the facillities are brand new, and I have my own room full of neat gadgets, including WiFi! A far cry from the horrors that I experienced at Kaiser for my first PAO.
The surgery lasted about 4 hours, and I woke up free of pain ( with the help of my oxycontin breakfast, epidural, and myriad of others drugs my anesthesiologist kept calling 'margaritas'). The day of surgery is pretty easy to deal with because you are still so drugged up. As the big painkillers wear off though, the real pain and brain come back, and the severity of the situation starts to sink it.
Dr. Santore went to the waiting room to visit my parents after he was done. He shook his head and said, "I don't have good news for you.........I have GREAT news!" The surgery went very smoothly, and I did not lose a lot of blood. I also forgot to point out in my (long) story, that when I had my LPAO, I also had an arthroscopy during the procedure, performed by Dr. Muldoon. This is a common way for them to work together. However, since I already had an arthroscopy on the right side, there was no need for another today. It cut off 2 hours of surgery time, and will shorten my recovery time. Yay!
Wow. Here I am again. I feel like I am in much better hands and that I properly prepared myself for this journey/ recovery.
OK, I just hit a wall and need to pass out again.
Pictures to come later.
Alycia! Dear me, I have relaxed my chest and breath more easily. I read your full blog last night and was thinking happy healing thoughts of you as I went to sleep. I didn't understand the extent of your trials and am impressed with your positive outlook and relieved to think that your recuperation will be oldhat and easier this time. Much Love! I'll stay in tune. Rest Easy!